Providing public Access to pre-IPO Investing

Access Investing is a new investment firm which is democratising the market for private capital - with the goal of levelling the playing field for all investors.

We provide public access to private company investments prior to a planned IPO, which are usually only available to professionals and high-net wealth individuals.

  • Professional Level Access

    We provide public access to private company investments usually restricted to brokers and their high-net wealth clients

  • Early Stage Entry

    Invest in companies at discounted valuatons before they undertake a planned IPO and ASX listing

  • Curated Investments

    Our team of experienced industry professionals source, screen and invest in high-growth private companies on your behalf

  • Trading Control

    You receive all shares in your brokering account, giving you trading control over the portfolio

Access Investing in the media


    “Here’s how retail investors might be able to invest in pre-IPO companies.”

  • The Eureka Report with Alan Kohler

    “…provides retail investors with rare ground-floor access to companies that are headed for an initial public listing on the exchange.”

  • The Australian Investors Association

    “…pre-IPO investments are an attractive proposition as they provide investors access to a relatively derisked company at a discount to the IPO price..”

Watch our explainer video:

The current state of pre-IPO investing in Australia

Pre-IPO capital is raised by a company in the lead up to its initial public offering (“IPO”) on the ASX and is generally priced at a substantial discount to the eventual IPO price.

The current regulations for company investing in Australia favours a small number of wealthy investors by restricting pre-IPO investments to “sophisticated” or “wholesale” investors who meet certain income or asset thresholds.

Which leaves the majority of the investment community only able to invest at higher prices, either at the IPO, or afterwards.

Breakdown of Australian investors by number

ASX investor

A New Approach

Our goal is to level the playing field for everyday investors by giving legal access to otherwise unavailable pre-IPO company share offers, while providing full disclosure of the risks involved.

We believe that the high growth potential of early-stage company investing should be available to everyone who understands the risk - not just professional investors and brokers.

Comparison to other company investments available to the public

We provide high-growth potential company investments that are only available to professionals - which are carefully reviewed and selected by our professional team

Table showing pre-IPO investment comparison to typical retail investments
Couple investing for growth

Our Investment Strategy

Our Investment Committee’s strategy is to invest in companies that fit the following criteria, with a strong preference for Australian focused growth companies in the technology, resources and biotechnology industries.

Clear path to IPO on ASX

Intention and clear path to an ASX Initial Public Offering, at most within 18 months. The company will have reputable management and advisors in place. Also desirable for an IPO broker / lead manager to be appointed with a successful track record of completing listings that perform well post-IPO.

Proven business model

A proven and developed concept / business model, with a robust plan for near-term commercialisation (excluding mineral exploration and bio-technology companies). We will also favour companies that score well on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) criteria.

Experienced management and board

Experienced management and board with a mix of skills and a track record of success.

Growth & scale potential

Growth industries and company has the potential to scale and add significant shareholder value in medium to long term.

Plan B

In case the IPO is delayed or not successful, a bias towards companies with trade sale potential or the ability to raise private capital and / or reach cashflow breakeven in the short term.

Learn more

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