A different view of ASX investing

Access Investing was founded from the belief that all investors, with a full understanding of the risks involved, should have the same opportunity to invest in private companies before they become public - which have the potential to generate outsized returns compared to typical public offers.

As company advisors who have been involved with numerous ASX initial public offerings, we have seen how the current regulations for private company capital raisings, which are designed to protect investors, also work to limit these opportunities to a small number of already wealthy investors.

We see the same select investors and brokers having access to these offers time and time again while the majority of investors miss out.

Laptop for growth investing

How does Access Investing work?

In summary, we pool funds from retail investors for the purpose of investing in private company offers.

Our investment committee, formed of experienced industry advisors & company directors, then carefully reviews and invests in high quality growth and pre-IPO companies which are intending to list on the ASX.

Effectively we act like a managed fund, with the key difference being we give you full control over your own investments - which is done by returning all purchased shares to you, so you can make trading decisions on a company-by-company basis.

We fully comply with relevant corporate regulations through our unique On Sale Offer process.

Get in contact to discuss

Brett Tucker, Founder

(t) 0421 459 024

(e) btucker@ventnorcompliance.com

Growing investments tree

Disclaimer and Compliance

Access Investing Limited (ABN 21 646 682 028) is a public limited investment company. The Company is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL 224107) (“Licence Holder”). The Licence Holder is authorised to provide financial product advice in respect of interests in managed investment schemes (excluding investor directed portfolio services), and to deal in a financial product by issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial assets (including interests in managed investment schemes) to Retail Clients (as defined in the Act).

Access Investing does not operate as a managed investment scheme or an investor directed portfolio service (“IDPS”) (or IDPS-like scheme) as defined in the Act. Access Investing makes investment decisions solely at the discretion of its Investment Committee, not at the direction of its members.

This website includes forward-looking statements that may contain the words “believe”, “intend”, “estimate”, “expect” and words of similar meaning. All statements other than statements of historical facts, including, without limitation, those regarding the Company’s financial position and business or investment strategy, plans and objectives are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Any forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s operations and present and future business and investment strategies and the markets in which the Company will operate in the future. There can be no assurance that such statements, estimates or projections will be realised.

Prospective Investors are not to construe the contents of this website as tax, legal or investment advice. The information provided is general information only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situations or needs. An investment in the Company should be regarded as speculative and may not be appropriate for all persons or entities. You should seek appropriate professional advice and should conduct your own independent investigation and analysis regarding any information contained in this website. You should rely on your own enquiries, in particular in obtaining your own legal, investment and tax advice in determining whether to invest in the Company.

An investment in the Company is subject to investment risk, including the loss of income and capital invested. Neither the Manager, nor any of their directors, officers, employees, advisors or representatives guarantee the rate of return or performance of the Company, the meeting of the objectives of the Company, nor do they guarantee the repayment of committed capital nor do they make any guarantees about the timing of repayment of committed capital, which may be significantly delayed.

All examples provided of investment outcomes are illustrative only and not an indication or forecast of future performance.